Albio 102 semi structural curtain wall system creates a 12mm interval between the frames. Its basic characteristic is that there are no bolt keepers on the transoms of the glazing panels. The transoms can become projecting fast and easy any time, or on any panel chosen, by simply setting a handle on the window even after the construction phase, with no additional cost.
Curtain walling applications on buildings’ facades.
Curtain walling applications on buildings’ facades.
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Interest Enquiry -
1Aluminum Alloy:EN AW 6063Τ6, EN 15088:2005
2Powder coating:According to the European standard Qualicoat
3Anodising:According to the European standard Qualanod
4Tolerance:EN 12020-2
7Glazing Thickness:20mm
11Air Permeability:Class AE – projected frame:4 (EN 12152)
13Water Tightness:Static: Class RE 1500 – projected frame: E1500 (EN 12154), Dynamic: 188Pa/563Pa – projected frame:npd (EN 13050)
16Column Dimension:Width 71.6mm, height 60.75-142mm
17Transom dimension:Width 71.6mm, height 53-113mm
21Impact resistance:Ι5/Ε5 – projected frame:npd (EN 14019)
24Resistance to wind load:Design payload: ±1.5 KN/m2 – projected frame:npd (EN 13116), Safety payload: ±2.25 KN/m2 – projected frame:npd (EN 13116)
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